Section 247 of the Companies Act, 2013 (‘Act’) provides:

  • Valuation of property, stocks, shares, debentures, securities, goodwill or other assets / liabilities / net worth of a company under the Act
  • To be done by a Registered Valuer (RV)
  • Appointed by Audit Committee or in its absence the Board of Directors of that company

Further, as per Section 247(2) of the Act, RV shall

  • make an impartial, true and fair valuation of assets;
  • exercise due diligence while performing the functions as valuer;
  • make the valuation in accordance with such rules as may be prescribed; and
  • not undertake valuation of any assets in which he has a direct or indirect interest or becomes so interested at any time during a period of three years prior to his appointment as valuer or three years after the valuation of assets was conducted by him.


  • RV shall, while conducting valuation, comply with valuation standards notified or modified by Central Government
  • Until valuation standards are notified by CG, a valuer shall make valuations as per:
    • Internationally accepted valuation standards;
    • Valuation standards adopted by any RVO
  • Valuers Bill, 2020 – Parliament approval is yet awaited for enactment of the bill

Our offerings

  • Business Valuation
  • ESOP accounting- Intrinsic Value and Black Scholes
  • ESOP for Taxation
  • Acquisition – Domestic & Cross Border
  • Merger – Assessment of Swap Ratio
  • Fairness Opinion
  • Valuation for spinooff/restructuring
  • Share Purchase / Investment/Fund Raising
  • Good will & Asset Impairment testing (US GAAP/ IFRS/Indian GAAP)
  • Foresnsic Valuations including court cases and legal proceedings
  • Valuations for Family settlements
  • Brand valuation
  • Intellectual property valuation
  • Asset valuation for purchase price allocation (US GAAP/IFRS)
  • Carried Interest valuation
  • Derivative Valuation under IFRS


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