Start-up Terminologies

Let’s dive in and unlock the world of startup finance together! 💼💡

1️⃣ Burn Rate:

The rate at which a startup uses up its available cash to cover expenses. Understanding and managing burn rate is crucial for financial sustainability and planning.

2️⃣ Runway:

The length of time a startup has before it exhausts its available funding. Calculating and optimizing runway helps startups plan for growth, secure additional funding, and reach key milestones.

3️⃣ Unit Economics:

The analysis of the profitability and cost structure of a startup’s individual products or services. By understanding unit economics, startups can optimize pricing, production, and revenue generation.

4️⃣ Cash Flow:

The movement of money in and out of a startup’s accounts over a specific period. Managing cash flow effectively ensures that a startup can cover its expenses and invest in growth opportunities.

5️⃣ Valuation:

The estimated worth of a startup, often determined through various methods such as discounted cash flow analysis or comparable company analysis. Valuation plays a significant role in fundraising and attracting investors.

6️⃣ Dilution:

The reduction in ownership percentage of existing shareholders when new shares are issued. Startups need to carefully consider dilution when raising capital and negotiating equity stakes.

7️⃣ Term Sheet:

A non-binding agreement that outlines the key terms and conditions of a potential investment. Term sheets are crucial in fundraising negotiations and set the framework for future legal agreements.

8️⃣ Cap Table:

A capitalization table that displays the ownership stakes and equity distribution of a startup. Cap tables help track ownership changes, stock options, and shareholder information.


Stands for Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization. EBITDA is a financial metric used to assess a startup’s operating performance and profitability.

🔟 Investor Relations:

The strategic management of communication and relationships with investors. Establishing strong investor relations helps startups attract and retain investors while fostering transparency and trust.

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